Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Yes, I am still running, although it feels at times like the universe is fighting me at every turn. I bought new shoes. After my first time out with them the outside of my left arch hurt like mad. I exchanged the new shoes, and still the foot hurts. I have decided to push through the pain. Don't argue with me. I will not lose my momentum. Last Saturday I made it out 3.85 miles. I was quiet pleased with myself. Stop it. You're laughing at me. I realize that is a far cry from my facebooking friends who regularly log 12 miles, but I'm getting better!

I have plenty of internal motivation these days. It has been a thrill to get back out there, and I swear to God, I am already seeing results. My legs look stronger, I'm getting some tone back, and I love it. I have also found motivation in my Nike GPS app. It tracks my route and pace, (10 min 30sec/mile, slow, but not as bad as I expected) and at the end Tracy Morgan or Lance Armstrong congratulate me on my efforts. I also got a couple cute new T-Shirts. One shirt says "run" with a rainbow, and I think it makes me look hard-core. The other one has a picture of Wonder Woman. Since I am now almost at 4 miles I must be Wonder Woman. With my new shirts  I feel cute when I run, which is motivating.  Yes, I do realize that I'm easy to motivate.

However, now I'm freaking sick. I have a sore throat, a runny nose and I'm beat. I absolutely must recover before my girls trip to Vegas this weekend, and thus, I will not run today. I probably won't run tomorrow either. I'm upset. I have worked hard to get to the point where I want to run almost everyday, and I am afraid of sliding back to my routine of laziness. It would be easy to do......


  1. I think you are sick because the evil toxins are exiting your body, due to your recent {awesome} running!!!! Way to go! Enjoy Vegas! :D

  2. You also have evil toxins entering your body via your vholdren's runny noses! Give yourself a break

  3. Do you know how flippin' awesome you are? When I started running I couldn't do a mile. And when I finally did it was at 12 min. You are incredible and when you are ready - come run with me in the morning. I know you will smoke me.

  4. I've had a horrible stomach flu for 3 days now so I know how you feel. But I've been sick enough, dealt with my RA and pregnancies enough to know that if I just take it easy for a bit I'll get back into the swing of exercise once I am feeling better. You will too.

  5. we should totally run together. it would be fun. i promise.

  6. I think you rock, I love the shirt! Step by step, mile by mile you are gonna OWM this running thing!

  7. I love that you get congratulated by Lance Armstrong from your app! Hope you feel better and have a great time in Vegas baby!

  8. 'hard core' - you are hysterical! Good luck with the cold. Lots of water and lots of rest - best medicine (get hubby to mind kids) :)
