Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Hats off (or not) to 500!

Blog entry number 500. 500! I can't believe I have written that much crap. Yeah, a lot of it has been crap, but I have mostly enjoyed it. Blogging has been a good outlet for me. I have been snarky, cranky, sentimental, boring, and bazaar. There has been some truly bad writing, and some better efforts, but most importantly it has been fun.

So much has changed since my very first post in the summer of 2009.When I started this Getrealmama, Zachary was Evan's age. Evan was a baby. We lived in sunny Denver. Now, everything is different. Of course the children have continued to grow, we moved to California, and we added another Kargas boy to the mix. Circumstances have changed. I have changed. A lot. In ways that I cannot even put into words yet. It is a cliche, but life is a journey. This blog is living proof. It is not fantastically popular as I had once hoped, but it has served another purpose. An opportunity to express myself, to save my pictures, to meet a community in cyberspace. It's been fun, and I thank each and everyone of you who have taken the time to follow me and read my silly posts.

So hats off to 500! Or not. You may have noticed by my recent pictures that I am wearing A LOT of hats. Why? Another hair crisis! Yes, we went through this about a year ago. I have decided (again) that  now it is time for me  to grow out my short haircut. I want to wear a ponytail, go blond and feel girly.  But damn, growing out hair from this length is HARD. It's going to take forever. I am only a few weeks in, and I have helmet hair. Or mushroom head. Big and poofy on top. Not cute. Hats are a must. I'm  developing quite the hat collection. This is going to be a long year.

Here is to another 500 posts!!Stick with me. It keeps getting better. Right? Right. ;)


  1. Congratulations--that's a lot of entries! Way to stick with it. Your posts are always a lot of fun to read.

  2. Yes! I'm with you ALL THE WAY!

  3. Hat, no hat poofy hair or bald, we love you and appreciate your blog!

  4. Glad you blog, girl! :) And good luck on the hair...I'm sure I'll be going through that when I get sick of mine being short {inevitably!!!}

  5. Congrats Rachel, keep on blogging! As for the hair, try some scarves. Super cute and stylish! They worked wonders for me years ago when I tried to grow out bangs.

  6. Happy 500! I remember growing my hair out -- it was frustrating. And it was before hats were cute. :)

  7. Congratulations my friend! I'm so glad we met this way. And who cares if your hair looks like a mushroom -- you're looking like a hottie in your little black shirt!

  8. Congrats Rach! 500 is AWESOME! You always crack me up and I love to be able to hear how things are with you and your life!
