Monday, October 11, 2010

My children aren't going to college, they went to Disneyland instead.

Parking: $15

Admission for 2 adults, 1 five year old and 1 two year old: $220

Lunch, including 2 kids meals we brought from home, 1 barbecue sandwich, 1 chef salad, 2 juice boxes and a fountain drink: $38

2 souvenir Mickey Mouse T-Shirts, 1 Micky Mouse visor, 3 postcards and a 2010 Disney Christmas ornament: $78

2 Donald Duck lollipops to comfort sobbing, terrified children after foolishly taking them on the Pirates of the Caribbean ride: $8

3 single scoop ice cream cones to be consumed while watching the "Celebrate You!" parade (which by the way, was performed by a disproportionate number of gay, African American men): $17

Tylenol to sooth aching feet after standing for nearly 7 hours: $7

Realizing my childhood dream of visiting The Mouse: Priceless

Better pictures to come.....


  1. Rachie- you went on Space Mountsin when you were about 9 years old. You didnt look so good when it was over!

  2. Too cute! Yep, what a dilemma.... college or Disney!? We have a Disney Fund started... that's not so wrong!
