Tuesday, August 6, 2013


So beware, this post will likely be a bit of a self pity party, but sometimes you need to mourn your "loss" before you can move on.

Not too long ago I wrote a post "Mama is Strong & Fast" It was while I was in the heart of my half -marathon training and I was also hitting the gym for "body pump" 2-3 times per week. I thought I was in the best shape of my life. The half marathon came and went. I continued to run and felt good. Then life got in the way.  A cross country move, an injury and two months later I am finally getting back into my grove. Or so I thought.

It started with a pain in my left knee two weeks ago during a five mile run. It wasn't terrible but it was there. I continued to run, it continued to hurt. I made it 6.5 miles last Sunday and was feeling like maybe this half marathon in October could happen. But the pain was still there and I decided to consult my sports med doctor.

My appointment was yesterday. I was expecting him to recommend strengthening exercises and ice. Instead he told me to Stop. Running. After having me do some exercises and observing my body the doctor's conclusion was that I am way too weak to run. WEAK. He told me that while my quads were in good shape they were doing all the heavy lifting. My hips and core are not strong enough, thus my form is bad and putting too much pressure on my knee, which he warned would likely result in a stress fracture if I kept down the path I was...running.

The tears came quickly. My face grew hot. I was sad. I was angry. "You knew this didn't you?" the doctor asked. I shook my head no. I thought I was stronger than I am. I thought that since I had completed 13.1 in under two hours I was a freaking rock star. I was solid. I am not. I am weak. WEAK. I hate that word. I have for the better part of my life always been physically weak. The girl who can't lift her luggage into the overhead compartment, the girl who can't do a push up, the girl who can't take care of herself. I am not sure if the doctor knew just how much that word stung.

And so the end result is that I am to go to physical therapy and lay off running for some time. He wants me to gain muscle and possibly weight. He advised that I would not be ready for an October distance race. He said if I can bulk up and get strong I just may get there again someday. Someday.

So it's in my hands. Will I do what I need to in order to be what I want to be? Will I be able to transform my body into that of a strong, solid woman? Or will I give in to the past and be who I have always been. Physically incapable. Weak.


  1. You probably only need to hear sympathy, but I can't help but say this. Look at the bright side, at least it's just muscles! I was sure you were going to say you had a nasty bone spur in your knee or no cartilage or something else you can't do anything about. With a good trainer and PT, you can get past this, and the whole time, you'll just be getting in better shape. All around shape, not just your quads. Heck, you did a half marathon, I can't do that! You certainly aren't weak, you just need to spread the love around some! Stick with it!

  2. I'm sorry - that really sucks. Freakin' doctor. The stinging power of words....hang in there.

    1. Thanks. He didn't mean to upset me. He was doing his job :)

  3. You've done it before, who's to say you are not capable of doing it again? You've been there, done that, now you CAN do it again.
    If anything, your blog reflects that you do have what it takes to comeback:spirit.

    One baby step at a time :) I wish you luck!

  4. As someone who's hung out with a whole lot of doctors her whole life, let me say this -- they're not the most socially adept group. You have to take what they say like something coming from your most annoying great aunt. It's not that she doesn't love you. She's just so clueless that she doesn't know how to talk to you without sounding like she's making you feel like you've failed in every aspect of your life...

    My take on this is that you're nowhere near weak. What he meant was that your leg muscles are SO strong that they're outshining your core and hips, so they've started naturally taking over the entire load. As a result, your form has suffered and so have your joints. You just need to refocus on other parts of your body so that your legs aren't doing EVERYTHING.

    You are not weak. That's wildly apparently to me and to everyone who knows you. This is just one of those crappy trigger words that we all have. Make this your new marathon. If anyone can do it, you can. xoxo

    1. Just needed to say thank you Tammy. What a wonderful note! I really appreciate it. :)

  5. That is silly to call you weak. I do think as runners we have to remember to do some strength training to improve our overall fitness, especially after babies (c-sections!) and with age. My family doc told me the other day I needed to "push myself to exercise more." Maybe our docs went to the same school of social ineptitude?

  6. For the record, I think of you as one of the strongest (physically and otherwise) women I know. ~ Lindsay Germain
