Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Not a punch in the face but a kick in the booty

For whatever reason I'm not feeling particularly snarky lately, which makes a punch-in-the-face post a bit of a challenge.  So instead I'll do a more appropriate kick-in-the-booty post. And that booty would be mine, and fairly literally. As a follow up to my post about my sad knee, today I started physical therapy beginning my journey to a stronger me. As it turns out the main focus of my therapy will be my derriere. That's right. My butt is weak. To my surprise this is not uncommon for runners. Runners have strong quads and hamstrings, but often neglect to tone the tush. In my case this results in poor form and too much impact on my knee. Hurray.

So today I met with my physical therapist Dan. I like Dan. Unlike the therapists I saw for my ankle, Dan is clearly an athlete. The dude is ripped. He is the kind of guy that likely has a difficult time finding a shirt that will accommodate his biceps. Clearly the man works out... a lot. So he gets why I am so determined to return to my sport and he is focused on getting me there. However this means an awkward amount of attention on my bum. I admit I blushed as we discussed it, but was happy to learn some exercises that will ultimately make me stronger. Dan assured me that as an added bonus I'll get "aesthetic" benefits as well (so professional!) Well yippie-skippy for that, now I can throw away my padded, butt enhancing panties. *****

It's going to take discipline. Those exercises are not fun, or pain free. And I have to do a ridiculous amount of repetitions every day. As far as I know there is no Nike ap for butt exercises to keep me honest, and I don't think I will create a blog category to update everyone on m tushie toning. (Sorry!) Thus, this will have to come from within. If I want to get back to what I love, I'm going to have to stick with it and expect a little pain in the ass.....
*****I don't really own padded, butt enhancing panties. For real.


  1. Excellent attitude! You can do it and I know you will!

  2. I wish I had someone watching over me making sure I did my tush exercises. As for now, I can't even seem to figure out how to squeeze in a 30 minute workout a few times a week. Maybe if I "had to" I would actually make it more of a priority.

  3. I believe that the exercise is very useful to keep the body smart and energetic. But I also believe that the exercise is more effective when we use massage or other therapy programs after it.
    physical therapist in bergen county
