Saturday, April 30, 2011


We got a mini van.

No, it does not mean I am a soccer mom.

Because I'm not. I am not a soccer mom.

Our mini van is a "previously owned" fully equipped 2009 blue Honda Odyssey. It has the leather seats, DVD players and a navigation system.

But I am not a soccer mom.

It has plenty of room for three car seats, a stroller, an overstuffed diaper bag, lunch boxes, tricycle and scooter. Soon it will probably be adorned with crushed cheerios and stale raisins.

But I am not a soccer mom.

It's big. It's wide. It's hard to park. It has the room we need.

But I'm not a soccer mom.

My kid's don't even like soccer. They prefer T-Ball.



  1. AWESOME!!! I am lovin' my Odyssey... after years and years of swearing I would NEVER get a minivan. Total convert, here. Enjoy it!

  2. Ah, a van with sliding automatic doors for unloading and loading baby carseats! You're going to treasure it! I did, and then I got rid of it for something more snazzy when my daughter was 8...

  3. Sweet! Now that we have 2 kids (and 2 dogs) Todd and I have been really wishing that we too had a van. How the heck are we ever going to go out of town with 2 kids and 2 big dogs and all of our stuff in a subaru?
    Have fun with the new car!

  4. True stuffing all those kids (and t-ball equipment) into a 4-door Nissan Sentra. NOT FUN. Plus the kids aren't whining, "why can't WE have a TV in the car??" You'll love it, Mrs. Not-A-Soccer-Mom!

  5. And this is why I follow your blog.

    Thank you for a good laugh out loud today! Oh, and congrats on the new, flashy ride. :)

  6. hahaha - the dreaded soccer mum inside of us all - van or not!!
