Monday, June 6, 2011

Ju-Ju Bean

Seven things I learned six days postpartum

1) Your third baby is no less miraculous than your first. Giving birth is an incredibly humbling experience. Holding a perfect new being for the first time is an experience like none other.

2) Berkeley has worn off on me. I didn't hesitate to remove my crying newborn from his car seat and stroll the isles of Target nursing my hungry son as I walked. I had shopping to do.

3) The body's ability to heal itself is amazing. Six days post surgery and only two days after having my staples removed I have little need for pain killers, and I am able to get around just fine.

4) Hard as I try I still can't reconcile the fact that although I feel pretty good, I still look five or six months pregnant. I try to remind myself that this is normal, yet it still bums me out. I want to look as good as I feel. I don't want anyone to ask me about my due date. I want to fit into my clothing again. I am thinking back to all of the "Body After Baby!" articles I have read in People magazine and I'm getting more and more pissed off.

5) Your own infant is always the most beautiful thing you have ever set eyes upon. Sure, he has acne, blotchy skin, and looks like a room full of other babies, yet you could stare at him endlessly.

6) Baby number three adds a whole new level of complexity to family logistics. Sure, adding that first baby to your family is a shock to the system, but you are still relatively mobile. I remember taking Zachary to a New Years Eve party when he was several months old. He slept in the car seat while we stayed up and celebrated with our friends until 1am. These days the idea of packing up the troops and going to the playground seems overwhelming....

7) Even when given a beautiful dignified name, it is nearly impossible not to come up with a cutesy nickname for a cuddly newborn. I call this little guy Ju-Ju Bean. I just can't seem to help myself!


  1. So sweet! Congratulations! I am four days away from my c-section to meet number three! I agree with all of your points. Will I ever be able to leave the house with all three by myself???

  2. Congratulations! What a beautiful baby~ and I love your words of wisdom. So true.

  3. we couldn't be more happy for you. please smell him all the time for me. i SO MISS baby smells.

  4. Congratulations! What a cute baby. And I think you look wonderful for having given birth not so long ago.

  5. Rachel, he is just beautiful. And what a direct gaze he has in that picture! He looks so smart and wise.

  6. #3 is magical... that was how it felt for me anyway! He is beautiful and you are, too :)

  7. Aw he's gorgeous! Congratulations again. And I love his nickname.

  8. Congratulations! He's beautiful and so is his name! Looks like he's blessed with a happy mama and family.Welcome baby Julian!

  9. What a cute munchkin! And I do agree with everything you said! Especially the "it sucks to look 5-months preggo after you have just given birth!"

  10. yes, yes, and yes! (well, not to the three kids thing yet... but all the rest:)

    oh, and except for the fact that my kid was born perfect. (duh.) no doubt he was the most beautiful baby the entire world's ever laid eyes on (not just ours). hello.
